Library director
- Increased the love and excitement about reading through reading promotion, soliciting student ideas on new initiatives and advocating for the elimination of Accelerated Reading.
- Increased library usage by over 100% per student.
- Managed three district-wide databases, utilizing SQL and software to export, transform, load and update data between databases, ensuring data quality control in migration, which included 23,000 items, 1,000 users and 100+ user groups.
- Administered ten informational database subscriptions, created tutorials on how to use them, and instructed classes in their weekly use.
- Maintained and troubleshot two Library databases--Concourse OPAC and Follett Destiny--imported, transformed, exported and entered manuscript details. Updated online library materials using XHTML, XML, CSS and Adobe software.
- Instructed 22+ classes/week in information literacy; supervised three to six library technicians and over 50 regular library volunteers; acted as the cataloging and database expert for the district.
- Designed and implemented LEARN Resource Kits, supporting teachers in their classroom instruction.
- Created a Peer Book Specialist program, to revitalize reading in the school and recognize student leaders.
- Recataloged the electronic collection via the library database, according to the Dewey standard; coordinated the relocation of the library furnishings and school library collection of 25,000 books in eight weeks; advised designers on the remodeling of the library.
- At one school, I spearheaded movement to new online library catalog, Follett Destiny, which allowed digital documents, ebook and web 2.0 integration, a process that included digitizing and cataloging documents, audio, visual, maps, and realia as well as born-digital objects.
- Directed marketing and communications strategies that triggered 60% increase in student users and 900% rise in teacher/staff users year over year.
- Researched and developed a budget proposal with a shared vision for the organization's future. The proposal energized administrators to work together to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. This teamwork and inspiration resulted in 83% budget growth the following year.
- Managed the library budget wisely, resulting in an increase of 20% in materials per dollar spent.
- Facilitated engaging in-service programs for groups of 5-100 faculty members, and led orientation sessions for approximately 500-900 students each year.
- Fueled 153% increase in funding through book fairs in a three-year period by implementing community outreach programs and online promotions. At one school, I supervised 70+ volunteers at each fair.
- Used principles of instructional design to create brief videos on information literacy.
- Served as the personal library liaison to 12 university faculty, specializing in their specific area of study.
- Managed the web, LibGuides and social presence for the library. Developed & applied social media strategy to guide social media use. Mapped and redesigned library websites.
- Integrated emerging technologies, such as RSS feeds, Flickr Photostreams, Google Calendar, Pinterest, Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, Youtube, Google Analytics and video tutorials on the website.
- Served as the Site Coordinator for the Ask-A-Librarian virtual chat/email/text service.
- Chaired and participated in programs, such as International Games Day, National Preservation Week, Orientation for new students and National Library Week.
- Answered in-person and virtual reference questions, through email, phone and chat.
- Conducted formal and informal individual and group biographical instruction lessons.
- Designed online exhibits to display newly digitized material from the Archives, edited audio-visual materials, created and spliced slide shows with creative commons music.
- As the marketing director, I collaborated with departments outside of the library. I crafted a marketing calendar, timelines and event chair best practices tips; I made routine calls for participation for event committee chairs, counseled committees on best marketing practices, implemented standardized event surveys, analyzed data collected, and reached out to library users through targeted email, flyers, social media and community programs.